My husband and I moved to Spain in April 2023. I went through the whole process of collecting and submitting all the documents for Digital Nomad residency for both of us on my own and successfully got it.
I would be happy to share my experience in this area with you. I am ready to dive into your case and answer your questions.
I had a phone consultation with Evgeniia where I went from absolutely stressed to completely calm in a matter of minutes. It was so overwhelming thinking about how we’ll be getting the DNV but she was able to explain everything so well which put me at ease right away. Thank you so much for your help.
👉 A 15-minute consultation is perfect if:
* You have just one question regarding the guides;
* You're looking to meet the expert before you commit to a service;
* You're considering which support package would best suit your needs.
⚠️ Please note: This brief consultation won't allow for a deep dive into your case, a thorough document review, or a complete situation diagnosis. For these needs, booking a half-hour to an hour is recommended.
A half-hour consultation is a great way to check out a few basic questions. It will be useful:
👉 If you have all the requirements for a visa or residence permit and you want to clarify just a few questions,
👉 If you want to check if you have understood your case of emigration/relocation correctly,
👉 To sort out 2-3 core questions (with a focus on the expert's field),
👉 If you want to understand if you need additional assistance or other services from the expert.
1 hr consultation is the best option to find your way to move or to get an introduction to different types of visas and residence permits. You discuss requirements only for your case, no obvious stuff. Evgeniia at the consultation will:
👉 Listen to your situation,
👉 Help you to choose the best visa/residence permit,
👉 Help to explain the available options,
👉 Will answer all questions with a focus on your case.
Money-back guarantee
If you are unsatisfied with the consultation, we will give you your money back or give a second opinion for free
I will help you to find fingerprint appointment. Only for clients from my cases and with prior discussion
Buy this service and get:
✅ 1-hour consultation
✅ online revision of the documents for Digital Nomad Visa (up to 5 working days)
✅ correction of mistakes if any
✅ the submission of documents for consideration in UGE-CE The service fee includes the submission of documents for the primary applicant.
✅ free autofill government forms
✅ Money-back guarantee
✅ One-hour check-in consultation for strategy and step-by-step planning
✅ Pre-application documents package proofreading
✅ Creation of a user account with personal tracker
✅ Submission of a document package with our electronic signature
✅ Guide on fingerprint submission process
✅ Include Autofill Documents
✅ No calls, but unlimited chat
We handle all tasks that can be completed without your direct involvement.
⚡ Up to 4 consultations with your case manager
✔ Translations up to €700, including jurado
✔ Government fee payment (tasa) for 4 people
✔ An appointment at the consulate or visa center (if possible)
✔ Concierge service: We take care of the entire visa application process for you
✔ Consultation with a tax advisor
✔ Your personal account with detailed guide, deadlines and notifications
✔ Unlimited chat with a case-manager until you get your visa and residency
✔ Pre-application documents package proofreading and double-checking
Evgeniia was incredibly helpful. I had considered trying to do my application alone without any professional help, but in the end I was so thankful for Evgeniia's help as she really made sure every part of our application was optimised. Highly recommend.
Many thanks for Evgeniia, I had a magnificient experience this summer to get DN Spain with the help of my assistant. It was joined collaboration to gen successful result, I really appreciate such level of support, awesome!
Բարձր կարգի (High professionalism!)
Благодарю Евгению за помощь в получении внж Испании Digital Nomad. Получила одобрение через 14 календарных дней после подачи. Потрясающий специалист, она проверила все документы, провела отличную консультацию. 10 из 10, спасибо огромное 🙏
Я обращался к Евгении за персональными консультациями и помощью с проверкой и подачей документов. Работать с ней было очень комфортно — только положительные впечатления. Консультации оказались максимально продуктивными: я получил ответы на все свои вопросы. Евгения всегда проявляла доброжелательность и уверенность, что вызывало полное доверие. Благодаря её профессионализму процесс проверки и подачи документов прошёл безупречно, и моя семья получила одобрение на три года. Безусловно, это заслуга Евгении.
Евгения профессионал своего дела. На консультации Евгения сразу указала на слабые и сильные стороны кейса. После консультации осталось четкое понимание, что необходимо делать и какие документы собирать. Брали пакет с проверкой. Во время сбора документов на все вопросы были получены ответы, по каждому документу получена подробная консультация как оформлять и где получать. Подача прошла в оговоренные сроки. В результате мы счастливые обладатели DN Испании. Спасибо за сотрудничество! Eugenia is a professional in her field. During the consultation Eugenia immediately pointed out the weak and strong sides of the case. After the consultation, there was a clear understanding of what needed to be done and what documents to collect. We took a package of documents with a check. During the collection of documents were given answers to all questions, gave detailed advice on how to formalize and where to get each document. The filing took place within the agreed timeframe. As a result, we became happy owners of DN Spain. Thank you for your cooperation!
Спасибо Евгении за отличный опыт работы с ней и приятные эмоции! Очень классный специалист, работать с ней - одно удовольствие, внимательна к деталям, вежлива, отзывчива - большего и пожелать нельзя! Тщательно изучает кейс и предлагает варианты действий, не просто действует по шаблону. Результат: одобрение ВНЖ DN Испании, без дозапросов.
Хочу поблагодарить Евгению за быструю и эффективную подачу документов! В моем случае (фамильяр номада) ответ пришел всего за неделю - одобрение без дозапросов. Весь процесс сбора, чека, подачи документов и ожидания ответа Евгения была максимально внимательна к деталям и проконсультировала по всем возникшим вопросам. Очень рекомендую подаваться именно с ней :)
She listened to the specifics of the case, asked questions to clarify what was not yet clear (before scanning and uploading documents to the personal account), and added another mandatory document for uploading based on the discussion. She also provided guidance on the remaining questions I had about the process.
I availed myself of a consultation with Evgeniya regarding the process of obtaining a Digital Nomad visa at the Spanish consulate. I received very useful information; Evgeniya emphasized many important points. The communication was very pleasant, and all questions were answered. Evgeniya was also happy to address other topics related to life in Spain.
I had a phone consultation with Evgeniia where I went from absolutely stressed to completely calm in a matter of minutes. It was so overwhelming thinking about how we’ll be getting the DNV but she was able to explain everything so well which put me at ease right away. Thank you so much for your help.
Evgeniia has provided an indepth explanation of the relocation process and explained what should I anticipate in my particular case. I had meetings with other companies earlier, but I enjoyed the quality of data and explanation provided by Evgenia.
I want to express my gratitude to Evgenia! the most prompt responses, a very thorough approach to the case, it’s a pleasure to work with such a person! If I have any questions, I will definitely contact you again, thank you!
Hello! We were accepted for our Digital Nomad Visa from US to Spain. We are forever thankful for the service Polina and Evgeniia provided in helping us get our digital nomad visa. We ran into complications attempting to submit it ourselves and decided to use Migrun. From the beginning, Polina and Evgeniia was extremely helpful in reviewing our documents and helping us present ourselves to Spain's government. We would definitely recommend!
Евгения очень внимательная и дотошная до мелочей. Но что было важно для меня, она объясняла все нюансы так, что я мог принять все эти бюрократические правила, которые ненавижу. Как результат нам одобрили ВНЖ по цифровому кочевника.
Евгения прекрасный специалист. Начали сотрудничество с консультации, выбрали по акции "Сотрудник месяца", всё понравилось и продолжили работу по пакету с чекапом и подачей. Евгения полностью оправдала заслуженное звание! ) Одобрение получили без дозапросов в кратчайшие сроки сразу на всех (ко мне + жена и две дочки). Кейс: найм в РФ с особенностями, с которыми Евгения отлично справилась. Будем рекомендовать.
The consultation was with Evgeniia Mikheeva and Irina. Irina led the meeting and Evgeniia supported. Most of my questions were anticipated, and all of them were answered effectively. Thank you for rescheduling the meeting at short notice. I will be purchasing one of your assistance packages in the next couple of days. I look forward to working with you. David Sharp
Мне очень понравилась Евгения. Не осталось сомнений, что будем сотрудничать.
We applied after a refusal for a startup visa in quite a tight timeframe (there were about 4 weeks left until the end of the Schengen visa), and a large part of the documents had not been collected. Evgeniya responded very promptly, provided initial consultation literally the morning after the request. Then we took the PRO package. Everything was maximally clear, understandable, and fast, as much as possible! Thanks to Evgeniya, we were able to develop a clear action plan and gather the package (pre-) in about 1.5-2 weeks within the tight deadlines. Approval for our case was received within 8-9 working days. Considering that we have already gone through a fairly long journey and have experience working with various consultants/companies, I can say that this is the first time I have been satisfied. And moreover, I highly, highly recommend Evgeniya! Simply the best!
Обсудили все моменты перед подачей на ВНЖ, которые были непонятны. Разобрали потенциальные подводные камни. Всё было супер.
After asking 2 lawyers their opinions on immigrating to Spain, Evgeniia was able to explain the benefits of a student visa, since the other options wouldn't work for us. She gave insightful comments that they hadn't given. She's a keeper, in my opinion.
Evgeniia incredibly helped to put all of my documents into a form that would meet absolutely all the requirements for a residence permit. She told me which documents needed a comment, what to write in the comment, and what should I add to my case. As a result, quick approval with only one additional request for a document, which Evgeniia also warned me about. And thanks to that warning I had it ready by the time of the additional request and got an approval 2 days after!
Спасибо большое Евгения. Супер оперативно и очень подробно все объясняли на протяжении всего периода взаимодействия. Брали пакет чекап. Довольны на 100%❗️ Прилетели по шенгену и подавались 15 января. А 26 января получили одобрение без дозапросов. 9 рабочих дней получается. Кейс: ИП Грузия и контракт с Кипром.
Была конструктивная и очень исчерпывающая консультация, рады такому сотрудничеству
Gotta say big thanks to Evgeniia. Whole process from consulting and docs preparing up to applying was well-organized. My case was quite typical, but the retrieving some docs made me nervous. Fortunately Evgeniia kept in touch with me, checked my timelines and provided answers on my questions so quick. So if you want to get Spanish DN visa, definitely I would like to recommend Migrun and especially Evgeniia. She is great professional in that business!
I don't even know what to say about Eugenia's work. In my opinion, this is the gold standard of service in this sector. An incredible combination of speed, knowledge and experience in one person. Everything was perfect. Thx u 🙌🏻
Eugenia did a great job with our nomad visa application, pointed out all the nuances and pitfalls. We saved time and money thanks to Eugenia. Thank you very much!
Can’t find your country on the list?
This expert can assist with any relocation using consulate contacts and detailed research. Book now to explore your options!
A half-hour consultation is a great way to check out a few basic questions. It will be useful:👉 If you have all the requirements for a visa or residence permit and you want...
1 hr consultation is best option to find your way to move or to get an introduction to different types of visas and residence permits. You discuss requirements only for your case, no obvious stuff
Money-back guarantee
If you are unsatisfied with the consultation, we will give you your money back or give a second opinion for free
This company helped me obtaining NIF and NISS in Portugal. Everything was accomplished remotely while I was in another country. I asked for an expedited process as I was in a hurry, and these guys did their job really well. My experience couldn't be better than this!
I highly recommend this service. Over a month, I explored different options for help. Vlad and his team are some of the most client-oriented people among similar companies. They don't impose services. Feel free to ask the CEO on Telegram. Thank you for the NIF and access to a personal account in tax service!
The tracker is very useful if you want to compare several desired countries or visa types in one country. I chose Portugal to move and made a nif through a service at a discount. Everything went smoothly and now I'm waiting for my visa. I plan to contact the realtors offered by the platform, because I trust the quality