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Irina D.🇪🇸

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Migrun expert
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Top Spain Expert

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Irina D.🇪🇸

Irina will help you choose the best option for moving to Spain. She will explain the important differences between the all types of available residence permits and share real-life tips and tricks. Irina can also help with opening a bank account, searching of schools, obtaining a digital certificate and opening an autonomo, and will definitely share her Spanish positive attitude:)

Immigration consultants
Post-relocation assistants
Passive income holders
Startup visa
Family reunification
Student visa
Digital nomads
Self-employment registration
Accompaniment in the immigration office
Pre-application documents review
Apply to school or kindergarten
Immigration services and assistance
Irina D.🇪🇸
 has handled 200+ cases, serving clients from the 🇬🇧 UK
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Irina D.🇪🇸
has handled 200+ cases, serving clients from the 🇵🇭 Philippines
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Irina D.🇪🇸
has handled 200+ cases, serving clients from the 🇨🇦 Canada
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Irina D.🇪🇸
has handled 200+ cases, serving clients from the 🇺🇸 USA
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Nayara Tasso
May 15, 2024

My experience with Irina Degtiareva was very positive. She is a highly qualified, dedicated and very helpful professional. Even with some interventions along the way (due to our documents), she was always there to help us, we had many meetings during the visa application process so that everything was clarified, and finally our long-awaited digital nomad visa was obtained. successfully approved. Irina spared no efforts from the beginning of the process, we were very satisfied and happy with her competence and commitment at all stages of the process.

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Deep dive into spanish tax regimes (progressive/Beckham law)
Grupo Tarraco Formacion
April, 2024

This program is dedicated to a Spanish immigration system and law.


30 min consultation
Best choice

Short consultation is best option to find your way to move or to get an introduction to different types of visas and residence permits in Spain. During this consultation you will create a strategy and action plan for Nomad Visa, Startup Visa, or student visa from Spain. You can make a decision about relocation Q&A about MigRun guides and services for your case.

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1h consultation
Best choice

An hour-long consultation is best option to find your way to move or to get an introduction to different types of visas and residence permits in Spain. During this consultation you will get detailed overview of relocation options to Spain, you will create a strategy and action plan for Nomad Visa, Startup Visa, or student visa from Spain or Consulate. You can make a decision about relocation Q&A about MigRun guides and services for your case.

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If you are unsatisfied with the consultation, we will give you your money back or give a second opinion for free

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Spain residence from Serbia
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Payment of Tasa 790-038 (3 ppl)
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Payment of Tasa 790-038 (1 ppl)
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Taxes in Spain: recording of webinars
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Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la Unión Europea
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Document Check-up and Online Submission (Spain)
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Virtual assistance (Spain)
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Premium Assistance (Spain)
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Fingerprints in local police
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Deniz Kiremitci
October 7, 2024

I'm so glad that I worked with Irina for my Spain Digital Nomad Visa application. I felt very secure and have a professional and friendly guidance from the beginning. She was very responsive, helpful, clear through the whole process and made my life very easy. In 1.5 month all process is done smoothly and I got my positive result. I want to thank her and her team for all the professional and friendly support.

August 14, 2024

Я обратился к Ирине по совету моего знакомого яхтсмена для оформления вида на жительства в Испании по программе цифрового кочевника. По моему кейсу необходимо было собрать и подготовить довольно солидный набор документов и процесс этот занял около месяца. Что мне очень понравилось, так это полная автоматизация процесса взаимодействия в личном кабинете, где приложены все примеры заполнения, нюансы советы и прочее. Также есть возможность в любое время связаться с менеджером и уточнить детали. В процессе подготовки необходимо было заверять апостилем документы в ведомствах РФ. У Ирины есть сеть знакомых, которые помогают по доверенности получить заверить и прислать скан копию нужных документов и не нужно никого напрягать и уж тем более физически ехать самому. Это очень помогло нам вовремя все подготовить и отправить в ведомство Испании. Я получил одобрение по ВНЖ через 3 недели после подачи. Сдал отпечатки и через месяц получил карту, также оформил без проблем прописку. Сделать это без помощи Ирины было бы нереально трудно поскольку нужно знать точно в какой системе и когда нужно зарегистрироваться, чтобы сдать отпечатки, получить карту и прочее. Также уже после успешного завершения моего кейса Ирина много помогала советами и делилась опытом по открытию и ведению аутономо и вообще как проще и эффективнее жить и работать в этой стране. Спасибо Вам большое за Вашу работу!

Anastasiia Goncharova
August 1, 2024

Огромное спасибо Ире! 1. Изначально это был совершенно непростой путь, поскольку я работаю по ТК РФ. Благодаря помощи Ире на каждом шаге, он оказался очень простым. Начиная от всех нюансов подготовки документов к ПФР (что само по себе квест), заканчивая помощью с оформлением бланка для ПФР в том формате, который необходим для посольства Испании. 2. Ира отвечала на все вопросы, а их было много из-за формулировок в договоре, регистрации и нестабильной сегментации ЗП на оклад и бонусную часть, в понятной и полной форме. 3. Ира предоставила все шаблоны, рассказала про налоги и последующие шаги, что ценно, потому что по всем чатам собрать актуальную информацию не всегда просто. В общем, я сегодня получила одобрение, без дозапросов и безумно этому рада! Еще раз спасибо, что сопровождала на всех этапах <3

Ekaterina Ziriukova
July 31, 2024

Хочу выразить благодарность Ирине за помощь в оформлении визы цифровых кочевников в Испании. Мы провели несколько полноценных консультаций и активно общались в чате. Ирина всегда оперативно и подробно отвечала на все мои вопросы, многократно проверяла документы на корректность и давала ценные советы по их улучшению. Весь процесс прошёл очень приятно и быстро. Большое спасибо!

Anastasiya Alkhimovich
June 14, 2024

The consultation was conducted at the highest level. All questions were addressed systematically and clearly, which made it easy for me to follow and absorb the information. Numerous useful insights were presented, which I plan to apply. Irina demonstrated a deep understanding of the topic. The entire process was organized in such a way that I received the maximum benefit within the allotted time.

Nayara Tasso
May 15, 2024

My experience with Irina Degtiareva was very positive. She is a highly qualified, dedicated and very helpful professional. Even with some interventions along the way (due to our documents), she was always there to help us, we had many meetings during the visa application process so that everything was clarified, and finally our long-awaited digital nomad visa was obtained. successfully approved. Irina spared no efforts from the beginning of the process, we were very satisfied and happy with her competence and commitment at all stages of the process.

Artem Zharov
April 29, 2024

Irina provided me with amazing support on the issue of emigration to Spain (digital nomad residency). She told me about nuances that would be difficult to discover on my own. She was always in touch and answered my questions in a timely manner. I highly recommend turning to her for help in emigration matters. This will allow you to go all the way from collecting to submitting documents without much difficulty.

Elizaveta Mironenkova
March 8, 2024

Получила одобрения по заявке на Digital Nomad изнутри Испании. С Ириной мы начали с консультации, было полезно, получила все ответы на вопросы, емко, но с вниманием к моему кейсу. После консультации поняла, что могу доверять и не ошиблась. Ирина помогла понять стратегию сбора документов и механику подачи. Далее до самого момента получения одобрения Ирина сопровождала меня и помогала со всеми вопросами и сложными ситуациями. Быстро отвечала, подсказывала, если я что-то не понимала. Очень благодарна совместной работе, Ирина супер профи. Спасибо!

David Sharp
March 5, 2024

The consultation was with Evgeniia Mikheeva and Irina. Irina led the meeting and Evgeniia supported. Most of my questions were anticipated, and all of them were answered effectively. Thank you for rescheduling the meeting at short notice. I will be purchasing one of your assistance packages in the next couple of days. I look forward to working with you. David Sharp

Ivan Schedrov
January 26, 2024

Gotta say big thanks to Irina and Evgeniia. Whole process from consulting and docs preparing up to applying was well-organized. My case was quite typical, but the retrieving some docs made me nervous. Fortunately Evgeniia kept in touch with me, checked my timelines and provided answers on my questions so quick. So if you want to get Spanish DN visa, definitely I would like to recommend Migrun and especially Irina or Evgeniia. They are big professionals in that business!

Igor Tatarintsev
January 15, 2024

Ирина пришла вовремя, предварительно прочитав мою заявку. Со связью проблем не было, с пониманием моей ситуации - тоже. Говорила без воды, доступно, подробно. Давала записывать все, что я считал нужным. Терпеливо повторяла когда я переспрашивал, все ли я правильно понял. Рекомендую!

Brian Smocovich
January 9, 2024

Irina is great and very knowledgeable about the visa process. She suggested to me something that I didn't even think to consider. I appreciate it greatly! Also, Irina, please send the follow up email when you have a chance! Thank you.

Nayara Tasso Scheffer
December 19, 2023

Irina was very knowledgeable and answered all our questions regarding the digital nomad visa. We will be moving forward with her! She is an excellent professional.

Evgenii S
November 29, 2023

Пришел с конкретными вопросами, получил ответы за полчаса, ёмко и ненавязчиво. Спасибо за консультацию!

Anton Nesterov
November 24, 2023

Irina seemed very experienced — I've got all the answers I needed to make a final decision. Her approach is open, friendly, and professional. I'm buying Virtual Assistance 🙌

Vladimir Chivildeev
November 20, 2023

Had a short consultation with Irina - she has a great grasp of the relocation topic, answered all my questions without straying from the topic and even sent a tax calculator afterwards. Thinking of taking full service package of relocation support

October 27, 2023

Консультация дала все ответы на вопросы, мне стало понятна стратегия действий на будущее.

Ilya Izhovkin
October 10, 2023

Качественно проконсультировали и ответили на все вопросы, с учётом специфики кейса. Всем доволен

Alexander Zaytsev
October 9, 2023

Очень нестандартный кейс по визе номада помогла нам разрулить Ирина, за что ей огромное спасибо!! Все четко, ясно-понятно, вовремя. Ирина ответила на 100500 наших вопросов, развеяла все сомнения, помогла с подготовкой и проверкой документов, всегда была с нами на связи (даже в выходные и по вечерам) и в итоге мы имеем одобрение через 20 дней после подачи и успешно закрытый дозапрос!

Dmitry Andreev
September 26, 2023

Получили одобрения по заявке на Digital Nomad изнутри Испании, на меня и жену. Весь путь нас сопровождала Ирина, когда еще были весной в Турции, взяли консультацию и определились с примерной стратегией. Далее, после получения шенгена, собрали все документы по гайду, а Ирина все проверила и поправила в нескольких критичных местах. Далее еще одна проверка перед подачей, ожидание результата, молниеносная и четкая работа по двум неожиданным дозапросам, и вот мы счастливые обладатели ВНЖ Испании. Ирина прекрасный специалист, все четко,и по делу. Спасибо и огромные рекомендации всем!

Liubov E
September 1, 2023

Ирина помогла переехать мне и еще 4 моим знакомым. И "помогла" значит чуть ли не за ручку довела до получения карточек ВНЖ. У всех были свои особенности в кейсах и свои проблемы, но Ирина помогла справиться вообще со всем. Еще и успевала всех поддержать и успокоить)) Если вы думаете, нужна ли вам помощь эксперта или, может, справитесь сами - да, помощь нужна. Подача и подготовка документов у всех происходит очень по-разному, даже если вы делаете это синхронно. Никогда не знаешь, какой прилетит дозапрос. В какой момент конкретно у тебя возникнут сложности, когда не понятно, куда бежать (за срочным переводом хурадо/справкой из пфр/к нотариусу, который не пошлет с нестандартным кейсом). В такие моменты очень помогает поддержка эксперта. Конкретно в нашем случае - документы после подачи случайно попали в архив (ошибка системы) и нам пришел отказ. Если бы не Ирина, которая нас успокоила и помогла все исправить, сейчас бы до сих пор сидели и думали, как нам жить дальше)) Про сбор всех документов - вообще молчу, это то еще приключение) В общем, Ирина - просто чудо. Крестная фея вашей эмиграции))

Egor Nesterenko
August 30, 2023

I'd like to share my experience working with Irina. I approached her after a negative experience with another specialist, and the difference in approach was immediately evident. Irina clearly explained everything, provided detailed lists of required documents, always answered my myriad of questions, and approached my case with great attention to detail. As a result, in less than a month of collaboration, we prepared all the necessary documents and submitted them for consideration. We hit the vacation period, so the response to my case was delayed. Irina suggested sending a written request for the status of the documents. Finally, at the end of August, we received the long-awaited approval, and soon I'll have the Spanish residency cards in hand. Irina is a true professional whom you can trust with such a complex task as applying for a digital nomad visa. Thank you for your help :)

Valentina Pak
August 8, 2023

I had Virtual Assistance with Irina during the application process for the Spanish digital nomad visa. Her support was instrumental in organizing my thoughts and reducing my stress levels. We worked together on my situation for several months. Irina is an expert and working with her was really a pleasurable experience.

Nikita Bestuzhev
July 25, 2023

My wife and I want to say thank you to Irina for her professional help and support. She assisted us in applying for DN permit in Spain, that resulted in successful approvals without any problems. Document check service is just great thing, and quite cheap - highly recommend to those people who used guides and gathered all the docs (or almost all the docs) on their own. Beside that, guys can apply for you if you don't have a digital certificate - it's also a cheap and very useful option. Thanks again to the whole Migrun team and, in particular, to Irina! You're doing a good job.

Stacy P
June 5, 2023

It's really awesome that Irina: 1. Used every minute of the call effectively 2. Suggested ways to do things that optimize costs and taxes. She lists opportunities (and limitations) from actual experience. This is super valuable. let us consultants follow these principles, and life will be much easier :)

Kseniia Aksenova
May 26, 2023

I’d love to thank Irina for all the help and support she has been provided to me while we were collecting all the documents for digital nomad visa. She always was in touch with me, helped with all my questions and reduced amount of stress and paper work we needed to do before the applying. I really hope her professional eye and the help of the Migrun lawyers will bring us success :)

Vasili Glebov
May 24, 2023

would like to express my immense gratitude and highly recommend lawyer Irina for her outstanding work. She agreed to take on my case when there were only a few days left before my visa expiration, to help me apply for a digital nomad residence permit. Irina not only managed the limited time frame but provided exceptional assistance in preparing all the necessary documents. She also connected me with the right contacts for submission and ensured a smooth process. I am sincerely grateful to Irina for her professionalism, efficiency, and the tremendous effort she put into my case. Thanks to her, I was able to submit my documents successfully and avoid any unforeseen issues with my status. I strongly recommend Irina as a highly skilled lawyer who is ready to help you in challenging situations. Her professionalism and dedication to clients are truly impressive!

Olga Anderson
March 30, 2023

24/7 chat support (really!), friendliness and correctness are all about Irina. Thank you <3

Anna Shilova
March 14, 2023

My husband and I addressed a solid list of questions to Irina during the meeting today and she managed it successfully. She is an easy-to-communicate person. Look forward to cooperating further.

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This company helped me obtaining NIF and NISS in Portugal. Everything was accomplished remotely while I was in another country. I asked for an expedited process as I was in a hurry, and these guys did their job really well. My experience couldn't be better than this!

Artem Zhivoderov

I highly recommend this service. Over a month, I explored different options for help. Vlad and his team are some of the most client-oriented people among similar companies. They don't impose services. Feel free to ask the CEO on Telegram. Thank you for the NIF and access to a personal account in tax service!


The tracker is very useful if you want to compare several desired countries or visa types in one country. I chose Portugal to move and made a nif through a service at a discount. Everything went smoothly and now I'm waiting for my visa. I plan to contact the realtors offered by the platform, because I trust the quality

Anna Davydova