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Anna M.🇵🇹

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Migrun expert
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The best choice for nomads and tech visas

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Anna M.🇵🇹

Anna, a seasoned immigration consultant in Portugal, with 100+ cases, excels in assisting individuals from the USA, Canada, and the UK, as well as Eastern Europe and Central Asia. She offers top-notch problem-solving skills for those with remote or passive income, business owners, or highly qualified individuals aiming to relocate to Portugal.

Immigration consultants
Highly qualified professionals
Digital nomads
Passive income holders
Student visa
Family reunification
Immigration services and assistance
Immigration consultations
Anna M.🇵🇹
 has handled 200+ cases, serving clients from the 🇬🇧 UK
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Anna M.🇵🇹
has handled 200+ cases, serving clients from the 🇵🇭 Philippines
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Anna M.🇵🇹
has handled 200+ cases, serving clients from the 🇨🇦 Canada
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Anna M.🇵🇹
has handled 200+ cases, serving clients from the 🇺🇸 USA
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Alexander Chereshnev
June 3, 2024

Booked a Digital Nomad visa escort for a family of 4 + dog. The case manager Anna advised and helped with all the controversial and unclear points. Thanks to her, we were able to gather the right package of documents in time to apply for the visa and plan the purchase of tickets and travel even before receiving the visa. Inside the country, we were given contacts of all the necessary specialists to complete the application process and get a residence permit card, which also made life much easier.

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This expert helps those who move to
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About expert

Highly professional and friendly, she's praised for her attention to detail and problem-solving skills. Anna offers consultations and assistance with D7 passive income, Digital Nomad, student visas, and family reunification cases
Anna independently immigrated to Portugal and actively assists in immigration communities, writing and reviewing guides while working closely with licensed attorneys
IADE Faculdade de Design, Tecnologia e Comunicação da Universidade Europeia

Art&visual culture




30 min consultation
Best choice

It will be useful:

👉 To sort out 2-3 core questions (with a focus on the expert's field)

👉 If you have all the requirements for a visa or residence permit and you want to clarify just a few questions

👉 If you want to verify your understanding of your emigration/relocation case

👉 If you want to determine whether you need additional assistance or other services from the expert

Book a meeting
60 min consultation
Best choice

1 hr consultation is the best option to find your way to move or to get an introduction to different types of visas and residence permits. You discuss requirements only for your case, no obvious stuff. Anna at the consultation will:

👉 Listen to your situation

👉 Help you to choose the best visa/residence permit

👉 Help to explain the available options

👉 Will answer all questions with a focus on your case

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Money-back guarantee

If you are unsatisfied with the consultation, we will give you your money back or give a second opinion for free

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Obtaining a student residence permit
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Document Check-up (Portugal)
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Virtual assistance (Portugal)
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Virtual Assistance Premium (Portugal)
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Letter to AIMA
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Viktoriia Semenova
September 2, 2024

Anna is amazing. Extremely knowledgeable and patient, she answered all of our numerous questions in detail no matter how big or small they were. Our call with Anna brought much more clarity to Portugal's D7 application process. Highly recommended!

Lina Gavrilova.
July 18, 2024

Residence permit card for 90.2 (highly qualified specialist) in 1.5 months! I am very grateful to Migran and specialist Anna for receiving the card! Before I started collecting documents, it seemed like a difficult and overwhelming task to me. I took a consultation with Anna, and she told me the options that are relevant today, which permits are issued faster and better, statistics and subtleties from experience. I decided to apply for a residence permit not as a digital nomad, but as a highly qualified specialist. Then Migran's checklists were very useful to me, I collected documents according to them, checked myself! It's great that the guys made them free and provide benefits. Anna recommended callers to SEF, which also helped a lot, they worked clearly, booked the SEF that I wanted! I would like to recommend Anna not only as an excellent professional, but also as a supportive, empathetic person who can advise, I did not have 1 document at the time of submission, but Anna advised me to go, and thanks to this, everything worked out) I submitted documents to this SEF and received a card in 1.5 months! Some kind of miracle

Lauren W
June 17, 2024

Anna was very knowledgeable and answered all my questions succinctly. I brought a checklist of things to ask and we worked through them very quickly, making the most of our time together. She offered lots of advice, even pointing out things I hadn’t considered and I feel very well prepared now for the process. Thank you!

June 7, 2024

Отличный эксперт, профессионально, без лишней воды, рекомендую всем! У кого есть вопросы, расставит все по полочкам! Как человек, очень приятный и отзывчивый, это редкость.

Roman Kravchenko
June 6, 2024

Anna is just amazing! She prepared for our meeting, described and explained everything in detail, tried to find all possible options for our case. After the consultation, we came out with a clear plan of action. In a couple of months, when we gather everything together, we will definitely contact her again to make sure we haven't forgotten anything.

Alexander Chereshnev
June 3, 2024

Booked a Digital Nomad visa escort for a family of 4 + dog. The case manager Anna advised and helped with all the controversial and unclear points. Thanks to her, we were able to gather the right package of documents in time to apply for the visa and plan the purchase of tickets and travel even before receiving the visa. Inside the country, we were given contacts of all the necessary specialists to complete the application process and get a residence permit card, which also made life much easier.

Ольга Высоцкая
April 29, 2024

Спасибо Анне за консультацию. На все вопросы получила исчерпывающие ответы. Очень надеюсь на продолжение такого плодотворного сотрудничества!)

Мария Шмарова
March 13, 2024

Анна очень подробно разобрала мой кейс, учла все нюансы, есть желание взять услугу сопровождения, чтобы в процессе получения внж была поддержка. Но в целом за консультацию мне уже стало гораздо понятнее. Спасибо 🤍

Japheth Zoogah
February 26, 2024

Консультировались с Анной семьей по поводу студ. Визы и digital. Анна подробно по пунктам разложила какие документы нужны, какие могут быть сложности, также порекомендовала сторонние ресурсы по поиску жилья. За час консультации разобрали все что хотели, задали все интересующие вопросы. Спасибо большое.

Natalia Temkina
February 14, 2024

Разобрали мой кейс (подготовка к AIMa по DN статье с семьей). Анна четко ответила на все мои вопросы, помогла разложить мой кейс по срокам этапов, дала рекоммендации страховых компаний и площадок для аренды. Консультация была очень полезной. Спасибо!

Daria Konovalova
February 12, 2024

We had two consultations with Anna, one written and one via a video call. The value of her knowledge, transmitted to us in a very accurate and detailed manner, is tremendous! I knew exactly how and when I should book an appointment to apply for a student visa (and lucky I am to have followed Anna's advice and to have registered my application before even being admitted to the university). As a result, I obtained my D-visa to Portugal within less than three weeks, which is very fast, especially in Moscow. And there are many more Anna's tips on our further steps, regarding residency, etc., to follow. Moreover, Anna stays in touch and helps with further additional questions even now, long after our consultations. Thanks a lot for such a professional approach and your knowledge!

Daria Konovalova
February 12, 2024

We addressed a huge list of questions to Anna, and it was important for us to get clear written answers before oral discussion. She suggested a flexible solution, allowing us to obtain information in a convenient way, and sent us written answers on the agreed day. They were short but informative, with a few insignificant omissions. We are planning to continue discussing details orally. Thank you for your knowledge!

Artem Karelov
December 21, 2023

Detailed and informative, took care of all the questions I had, thank you!

Leila Isaeva
December 20, 2023

Anna is very knoledgable and competent. Thank you for consultation, it is very helpful for first steps in my relocation.

Maria Kazakova
December 7, 2023

Если бы не Аня, я бы не переезжала сейчас в Португалию! Аня – супер!

Roman Khlebnikov
November 8, 2023

Anna is a wonderful expert. I would like to take another consultation with Anna. Some time later.)

Dmitry Kopin
November 1, 2023

This was the first consultation we had with Anna. She is very well versed in the processes of obtaining a visa and collecting documents and generally understands this area. We really enjoyed communicating with her, she completely immersed herself in our situation and questions.

Maria Kazakova
October 23, 2023

Anna always finds a way to solve the problem. I thought my case is hopeless but she showed me more options. So I am preparing to move to Portugal! She is very supportive and attentive to details. Highly recommend!

Vasilii Glebov
October 12, 2023

Анна мне очень помогла и успокоила меня. Обговорили список документов, а также порядок действий. После консультации был в отличном настроении и спокойствии что все получится! Спасибо за помощь!

Svetlana Kalinina
October 10, 2023

Анна ответственная, говорит по делу, предупреждает о подводных камнях . У нас была пара 30 минутных консультаций , за которые успевали обсудить все . Кейс у нас сложный и поддержка Анны очень значима для нас

Kirill S
September 28, 2023

Спасибо большое Анне за консультацию. Получили много неочевидной информации, которую сложно найти в интернете. Рекомендую

Natalia Dushkina
September 20, 2023

Very useful and productive consultation with Anna. Even though it was only 30 min long, we discussed all my questions and even more, but without unnecessary information. Anna is very competent and has knowledges in her field. Definitely can recommend Anna.

July 28, 2023

Находился в муках выбора по быстрому пути легализации в Португалию: 1) По 91 статье (обучение в магистратуре) изнутри; 2) По получению DN визы через Сербское консульство. ChatGPT Was torn between two options for fast legalization in Portugal: 1) Under Article 91 (Master's degree studies) from within; 2) Obtaining a DN visa through the Serbian consulate. Ordered a consultation from Anna to get answers to questions and an additional opinion. Anna clarified the situation in detail during the meeting (including through colleagues specializing in visa issues). The meeting was quite productive. After the meeting, Anna also didn't leave aside and provided clarifications on additional questions. Anna is a friendly and client-oriented consultant. Particularly pleased with her sensitive approach to the problem: she performed her work qualitatively.

Natasha Troshchenkova
July 28, 2023

Прекрасная консультация, разложившая мои варианты по подаче на студенческую визу по полочкам: Анна все очень доходчиво и с вовлечением объяснила, поделилась практиками, нюансами и контактами. Спасибо!

Nataliia Zhukova
June 30, 2023

Спасибо Анне за понятные и чёткие рекомендации, надеюсь, в дальнейшем продолжим взаимодействие.

Anastasiia Abramova
June 26, 2023

Anna gave me a comprehensive consultation on DN visa application process with an employer from Uzbekistan. Highly recommend! She is an excellent adviser!

Olga Demidova
January 26, 1996

I got my answers and more, thanks for the professional help!

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This company helped me obtaining NIF and NISS in Portugal. Everything was accomplished remotely while I was in another country. I asked for an expedited process as I was in a hurry, and these guys did their job really well. My experience couldn't be better than this!

Artem Zhivoderov

I highly recommend this service. Over a month, I explored different options for help. Vlad and his team are some of the most client-oriented people among similar companies. They don't impose services. Feel free to ask the CEO on Telegram. Thank you for the NIF and access to a personal account in tax service!


The tracker is very useful if you want to compare several desired countries or visa types in one country. I chose Portugal to move and made a nif through a service at a discount. Everything went smoothly and now I'm waiting for my visa. I plan to contact the realtors offered by the platform, because I trust the quality

Anna Davydova