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Miguel O.🇫🇷

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Miguel O.🇫🇷

Miguel has more than 7 years of experience with private and corporate clients. He helped companies and privates to build an immigration strategy for France.

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Attorneys and lawyers
Типы виз
Business and entrepreneurship
Immigration consultations
Immigration services and assistance
Miguel O.🇫🇷
 has handled 200+ cases, serving clients from the 🇬🇧 UK
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Miguel O.🇫🇷
has handled 200+ cases, serving clients from the 🇵🇭 Philippines
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Miguel O.🇫🇷
has handled 200+ cases, serving clients from the 🇨🇦 Canada
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Miguel O.🇫🇷
has handled 200+ cases, serving clients from the 🇺🇸 USA
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Немного об эксперте

Miguel helps companies and privates to build an immigration strategy for France. As an immigrant, he understands the doubts and concerns that expatriates can have.
Miguel has worked with hundreds of different clients, from multinationals to private clients. He has done all kind of immigration for France and has experience in all kind of visas and visa exemption processes.
Jean Moulin University
Double bachelor's degree in law and political science
Sept. 2015
June 2016

Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University offers a learning and research space focused on the humanities and social sciences with programmes ranging from two-year foundation degrees to PhDs


30 min consultation
Best choice

A half-hour consultation is a great way to check out a few basic questions. It will be useful:

👉 If you have all requirements for visa or residence permit and you want to clarify just a few questions

👉 If you want to check if you have understood your case of emigration/relocation correctly

👉 To sort out 2-3 core questions (with a focus on expert's field)

👉 If you want to understand if you need additional assistance or other services from the expert


Money-back guarantee

This consultation has a 100% money-back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with the consultation, we will give you your money back.

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1 hr consultation
Best choice

1 hr consultation is best option to find your way to move or to get an introduction to different types of visas and residence permits. You discuss requirements only for your case, no obvious stuff.


Miguel at the consultation will:

👉 Listen to your situation
👉 Help you to choose the best visa / residence permit
👉 Help to explain the available options
👉 Will answer all questions with a focus on your case


Money-back guarantee

This consultation has a 100% money-back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with the consultation, we will give you your money back.

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Money-back гарантия

Если ты останешься недоволен консультацией, мы вернем деньги или предоставим возможность получить второе мнение бесплатно

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This company helped me obtaining NIF and NISS in Portugal. Everything was accomplished remotely while I was in another country. I asked for an expedited process as I was in a hurry, and these guys did their job really well. My experience couldn't be better than this!

Artem Zhivoderov

I highly recommend this service. Over a month, I explored different options for help. Vlad and his team are some of the most client-oriented people among similar companies. They don't impose services. Feel free to ask the CEO on Telegram. Thank you for the NIF and access to a personal account in tax service!


The tracker is very useful if you want to compare several desired countries or visa types in one country. I chose Portugal to move and made a nif through a service at a discount. Everything went smoothly and now I'm waiting for my visa. I plan to contact the realtors offered by the platform, because I trust the quality

Anna Davydova