Пошаговый гайд и сервисы

Студенческая виза в Испании

A student visa is one of the easiest ways to move to Spain. With this visa you can both study and work (the right to work is automatically granted to those on university programs or professional courses), and once you have completed your course of study, you will be able to renew for the following year without leaving Spain. One of the key conditions is to have €10.206 in your account for the year.

Поговорить с экспертом

О программе

Основные требования

  • Invitation from an educational organization
  • Age between 18 and 30 years old
  • Certificate of no criminal record
  • Minimum amount of €7200 in your account
Получи ВНЖ с Migrun

FAQ о визе

Сроки оформления:
3-4,5 months
Сколько действует:
student visa do not count for citizenship
Затраты на подготовку:
Возможность работы:
possible to get a part-time work permit
can come to Spain and live without the right to work by joining through their country's consulate

Проверено экспертами

Financial requirements for Spain study visa

In 2024 IPREM is €600
➡️ for the main applicant 100% IPREM multiplied by the length of stay, 
➡️ for the second family member 75% IPREM (€450),
➡️ for the third and subsequent family members 50% IPREM (€300).

For a 1-year residence permit, you must have IPREM X 12 = €7 200

How to apply?

Option #1: at the Spanish consulate

You can get a student visa in your country of citizenship/residence, but you must meet the student age requirement (18-30 years old). Your required documents may be perfect, but the Consulate may refuse without giving a reason, as they may see the visa request as emigration rather than study. So if you don't qualify by age, it's better to use the second way:

Option #2: from Spain

Entering Spain legally on any visa/document, including tourist Schengen.
Once you arrive, you can apply to study, avoiding visa procedures at Spanish consulates in your home country, reducing time and stress levels.

💡 When requesting a student visa in Spain, it is important to keep in mind that there should be at least a month left before the end of your legal stay, not 30 days as often mistakenly thought. We recommend applying within the first 60 days of entry on a 90-day tourist visa or visa-free entry.
😎 Student's dictionary
Студенческая визу с Migrun - это легко!
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Часовая консультация
Проверка пакета документов перед подачей заявки
Создание личного кабинета с персональным трекером
Help me choose a plan
Check-up only
Подача пакета документов с нашей электронной подписью
🔥Standard Virtual Assistance
Личный кабинет с персональным трекером и безлимитным чатом с экспертом
Pro Virtual Assistance
Всё из Virtual Assistance с дополнительным комфортом + переводы
Premium Virtual Assistance
Все что мы сможем сделать за тебя – мы сделаем

Пошаговый гайд

👉Documents checklist

  • Proof of enrollment in a educational center
  • Guaranteed financial support
  • Medical insurance
  • Criminal record certificate
  • Medical certificate
  • Application EX-00
  • Scan of all passport pages with entry stamp for Spain

Советы по подаче из разных стран 🌏

Подача на визу через испанское консульство в Сербии
Подача на визу через испанское консульство в Сербии

🔥 Поговори с проверенными адвокатами и консультантами

Мы верим, что ты справишься с эмиграцией только с нашими гайдами. Но знай, что ты всегда можешь проконсультироваться с проверенными специалистами, чтобы снизить риски.

Гарантия и возврат денег

Если тебе что-то не понравится, мы вернем деньги или дадим другого специалиста

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Relocation made affordable, transparent and easy

Migrun is the greatest service for relocation – I have received my residence permit in Spain as a digital nomad in less than 1.5 months – from initiation to approval. The best thing about Migrun – they have many affordable solutions combined with lots of free guides, so you get the best value for your money. Plus you never feel pressured to pay more than you really need. Which is truly the mission of the company – to make relocation affordable, transparent and easy. Special thanks to Irina Degtyareva for helping with my case and questions! Looking forward to work with the Migrun team further. Many thanks!

Date of experience: August 02, 2023

Alex Ovechkin

🇪🇸 ES

Immigration service with emphatic and fair approach

My immigration to Portugal wouldn't happen if not for Migrun. First, they have a LOT of free guides of how to collect documents for different visas and residency types + a great chat with a lot of immigrants sharing their experience. A year ago it was a very simple website and a chat of a couple thousands - now an extensive platform and a family of useful chats on Portugal the largest being 10K people. I have collected all documents for D7 visa with their help for free.Later I changed my mind and decided to apply for residency as highly-qualified professional from inside of Portugal and did so with a great help of Migrun. Today I have received my residency card.Business with emphatic approach - unlike many other immigration services who just try to rip you off using your lack of knowledge.All people in Migrun have always been friendly, honest and trying to do their best.

Date of experience: July 31, 2023

Daria Gakova

🇵🇹 PT

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